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MBACP (Accred)
Nicola Hyde MBACP
Evergreen Counselling, Frimley
Integrative counsellor
Outdoor Therapy Consent Form
I, _________________________________, have requested walk/talk therapy (i.e. a therapy session that takes place outside of the therapy office) as part of my counselling process.
By signing this form, I further agree to the following:
I agree that I am responsible for setting the walking pace of the walk/talk session.
I understand that this is not exercise or workout training, and that while movement may be a benefit to me physically, the focus is not about exercise.
I agree to communicate with my therapist if I am uncomfortable physically or emotionally while participating in walk/talk therapy.
I take full responsibility for my medical and physical well-being and will not hold Evergreen Counselling legally or financially responsible for any medical conditions and/or accidents that may arise out of walk/talk therapy.
I agree to seek a doctor’s approval before beginning walk/talk therapy if appropriate.
If I have any medical conditions that would be detrimental to walk talk therapy I agree to disclose this and understand my therapist may not be able to offer this as an option.
I understand that if my therapist and I come into contact with a person that I know, I have the right to disclose or not to disclose that I am in a therapy session. I understand that my therapist will follow my lead should we come into contact with a person I know and my therapist will make every effort to preserve client confidentiality and privacy while conducting my walk/talk therapy session.
I understand that if my therapist should come into contact with a person he/she knows, my therapist will not acknowledge me as a client or the walk/talk therapy session as counselling to preserve confidentiality.
I understand that should we come in contact with a person whilst in walk/talk therapy my therapist will be lead by me as to whether we continue or take a pause in conversation until they have passed.
I agree that I have had all questions answered by my therapist. I understand and agree to the above regarding Walk/Talk Therapy:
Client’s signature: ______________________ Date: ___________
Counsellor’s signature: _________________
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